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'Tis the Season...

'Tis the season to be thankful but also maybe a little overwhelmed. The holidays bring with them food, family, friends, and fun. These are, of course, reasons for gratitude. However, you also probably  have a list of things to do (and buy) a mile long. I recently updated my calendar and realized I need to renew my EP credential before the end of the year. I proudly set myself a reminder for every Monday until the end of the year and when it popped up today... I hit "dismiss". Why? Obviously, I have a ton of time to get everything done (she said sarcastically!) Honestly, there are never enough hours in the day to do it all. However, if you follow this blog, I hope this serves as a timely reminder that maybe you have a credential to recertify too. With that in mind, ASET is running a coupon code good for CEUs until 12/20/19. We want you to avoid the holiday rush and inevitable 11th hour panicked phone call the week between Christmas and New Year's. We also know your money is important to you, especially this time of year. Keep on the lookout in your email and our social media pages to get your coupon codes and, hopefully, get your CEUs early. As I mentioned in my last blog post, I try to practice what I preach. To that end, I plan on renewing my credential this week before my next calendar reminder pops up! I don't know about you but it will be nice to have one less thing to worry about on my to-do list. On behalf of ASET, I wish you a happy, healthy holiday season, with time spent doing what you enjoy over the next few weeks!
Best wishes,


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