COVID 19, murder hornets, what's next? Let me start out by saying I'm not a very strong blogger. I find it challenging to remember to do on a regular basis but throw in a pandemic and forget about it. So apologies for not writing this sooner but I've been elbow deep in planning ASET's first ever virtual conference. I think Faye picked the right time to retire!

Planning has been no easy feat since we've been faced with tough decisions, i.e. choosing a platform, selecting course tracks, establishing costs, etc. I initially thought we could just pick up what we do in-person and recreate it in the virtual environment. I discovered quickly this would not be the best approach. I've tried to bring knowledge of educational best practices and experience with online education to the table throughout this process. Pivoting from the traditional event has required me to attend lots and lots of virtual webinars, tutorials, and meetings. I'll admit I am a little Zoomed out! It's been stressful because I want ASET to be able to exceed our members' expectations. However, I think in the end we will have an offering that focuses on content that is relevant and important to a variety of Neurodiagnostic professionals and that is what we strive to accomplish whether face-to-face or in this new virtual world.
I speak with members daily and recognize many of you have been impacted by the pandemic in a variety of ways both at work and at home. Some of you have contracted the virus or watched patients or even loved ones suffer. Others were furloughed, took a pay cut, or your institution has reduced reimbursement for education. I know you have many choices on how to invest your time and money in your education and obtaining your CEUs especially now. I hope you'll decide to join us though for ASET's first ever virtual conference.
Conference details are continuing to develop as we hammer out the specifics. For the most up-to-date information or to register, I encourage you to visit: I hope to "see" you there but if not, I urge you to continue to focus on our patients and your own well-being during these stressful times.

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